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Farmtruck vs Murder Nova

Farmtruck vs Murder Nova the first time since we’ve been racing on the streets of Oklahoma. The Farmtruck and Murder Nova go head to head on Street Outlaws / Discovery Channel!

We had a plan, our best shot was to call out Murder Nova as the first ones of the trailer. Knowing that he had limited testing time with the new car, it was our best shot of taking down the Oklahoma legend. For us, consistency is key since we know we are not the fastest one out of the list. So we double down on what we do best, any chance we get.

Finally we line up after our burnouts and watch Chief pull us to the line. Farmtruck is set on kill. Chief takes his steps back and bangs the light but nothing happens, the light is faulty and never comes on. Murder Nova, knowing that the light should be on, jumps and takes off and the Farmtruck chases for a race, JJ Da Boss Style.

Farmtruck ultimately loses but this is a cool shot of the launch regardless. 



  • I think ? Farmtruck should have won. Wether the light was faulty or not, you go when you see the light, not when it’s expected to come on.

    Carla Gentry
  • love to watch you race!!!

    ken underwood
  • Watched that race and thoroughly enjoyed it along with every show you guys are in on TV. Absolutely love the new Gonorail and the DungBeatle. The FarmTruck is just too Kool!!! My husband and I are watching the NO PREP series at Memphis right now and are looking forward anxiously for the rest of this series. We are coming to your city next week and I am so hoping you both will be at your shop.
    AZN, you are just TOO FUNNY!

    Jeane Skinner Usilton
  • Always liked farmtruck, good to see the race. Keep groovin’ and keep it rubber side down


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